

Seminars held within the framework of the Comenius Regio ARCA.DIA.logue European Program:

Ι. International Training Seminars & Workshops

Academic Year 2013-2014

▲25-09-2013 DAY WORKSHOP

►Venue: De’ Monti Castle, Corigliano d’Otranto, Italy
●The event was attended by local community bodies, and local associations. teachers of the two Italian schools
►Topic: “Opening Workshop”
►Speaker: Dr. Luigi Martano, Dr. Porziana di Cosola, Dr. Dimitra Macri, Dr, Ioannis Koutsandreas

▲26-09-2013 DAY WORKSHOP

►Venue: Istituto Comprensivo di Corigliano d’Otranto con Melpignano, Italy
●The event was attended by teachers and students of the two Italian schools
►Topic: “Greek and European Music”
►Speaker: Dr. Ioannis Makris.

▲27-09-2013 DAY SEMINAR

►Venue: Ex-Augustinian Convent, Melpignano, Italy
●The seminar was attended by educators, local community bodies, and local associations.
►Topic: “The Significance of the ARCA.DIA.logue European Program at the Local Community Level”
►Speakers: Mr. Ivan Stomeo, representative Ada Fiore, Dr. Luigi Martano, Dr. Macri Dimitra, Dr. Porziana di Cosola.

▲08-11-2013 DAY SEMINAR

►Venue: Christian & Byzantine Museum, Athens, Greece
●The seminar was attended by DI.D.E. A’ Athens teachers and school directors as well as representatives from the Italian Embassy in Athens; the Institute of Educational Policy, Ministry of Culture, Education and Religious Affairs; and the Municipality of Ilion.
►Topic: “Grecia Salentina”
►Chairman: Nikolaos Mavroydis
►Coordinator: Dr. Dimitra Macri
►Speakers: ●Dr. Franco Inglese
●Dot.ssa Isabella Oztasciyan Bernardini d’ Arnesano
●Fotini Kaymaki
►Vocals in Griko: Ms. A. Spagnolo.


►Venue:“Dora Stratou” Dance Theatre Auditorium, Plaka, Athens, Greece
●The roundtable discussion was attended by educators, school directors, local community bodies, and local associations.
►Topic: “The Traditions, Innovation, and European Dimension of Education”
►Chairman: Dr. Vayna Maria
►Coordinators: Drs. Dimitra Macri & Franco Inglese
►Speakers: Dr. Franco Inglese, Dot.ssa Anna Cammalleri, Dr. Luigi Martano, Mr. Tullio Sammito, Dot.ssa Isabella Oztasciyan Bernardini d’ Arnesano, Dr. Ioannis Makris, Dr. Maria Nezi, Dr. Georgia Fermeli, Dr. Dimitra Macri, Ms. Adrianna Spagnolo.


►Venue:“Scuola Italiana statale di Atene
●Closing Seminar of the 2nd international meeting: “Seeking Common Cultural path”


Preparatory SKYPE CONFERENCE (between coordinators)


Preparatory SKYPE CONFERENCE (between teachers)


SKYPE CONFERENCE (2nd Collegium Hight School, Nea Filadelphia,
Istituto Comprensivo – Melpignano d’Otranto)


SKYPE CONFERENCE (11th Collegium Hight School, Ilion / Instituto
Comprensivo – Corigliano d’Otranto)

▲07-01-2014 DAY WORKSHOP

►Venue: De’ Monti Castle Corigliano, Italy
●The workshop was attended by local community representatives, educators, and students.
►Topic: “Educational Programs with Greek Museums and Associations/Agencies focused on Tradition: Recommendations for Teaching Seminars
►Chairman: Dr. Porziana di Cosola
►Coordinator: Dr. Dimitra Macri
►Speakers: ●Ms. Panaghiota Stellaki
●Ms. Evanghelia Sighenioti
●Dr. Dimitra Macri
●Mr. Andreas Sotiropoulos
●Ms. Vassiliki Manola
►Salutations: ●Ms. Thomais Giannisopoulou
●Dr. Georgia Fermeli.

▲07-01-2014 DAY SEMINAR

►Venue: Istituto Comprensivo di Copertino, Puglia, Italy
●The seminar was attended by the staff from the Puglia Education Sector and the Comenius Regio ARCA.DIA.logue participants. ►Topic: “The ODYSSEUS Protocol”
►Chairman: Dr. Franco Inglese
►Coordinator: Dr. Ornella Castellano, Dirigente Scolastico IC Falcone Copertino
►Speakers: ●Dr. Franco Inglese
●Mr. Roberto Fusco, Greek Consul, Brindisi, Dot.ssa Anna Cammalleri, Dot.ssa Dimitra Macri.


▲08-01-2014 DAY WORKSHOP

►Venue: Istituto Comprensivo di Corigliano d’Otranto con Melpignano, Italy
●The workshop was attended by educators and students.
►Topic 1: “Traditions from Attica and Salento on Stage: Drama Workshop”
►Chairman: Porziana di Cosola
►Coordinator: Dr. Dimitra Macri
►Speakers: ●Ms. Xanthi Vafiadaki & Ms. Katerina Sarkou
●Mr. Gino Giannachi, Mr Luigi Paulì, Mrs Francesca Rizzo (Piccolo Teatro Coriglianese);Mrs Annarita Vizzi (Circolo Culturale Argalìo).
►Topic 2: “Environmental Education in the Two Regions”
►Chairman: Porziana di Cosola
►Coordinator: Dr. Dimitra Macri
►Speakers: ●Dr. Georgia Fermali
●Ms. Maria Kouri.


▲06-03-2014 DAY WORKSHOP

►Venue: 11th Gymnasium High School of Ilion, Attica, Greece
●The workshop was attended by educators, Comenius Regio ARCA.DIA.logue educators, local community bodies, and local associations
►Topic: “Recycling”
►Chairman/Coordinator: Dr. Dimitra Macri
►Speaker: ●Ms. Anna Kazantzoglou.


►Venue 1: Lavrion Environmental Education Centre (Lavrion EEC)
●The workshop was attended by ●Perseus Network educators and ●Comenius Regio ARCA.DIA.logue educators.
►Topic: “Coastal Ecosystems: sailing around the coast”
►Chairman: Mr. Andreas Athanasopoulos
►Coordinator: Dimitra Bia
►Speakers: the Lavrion EEC team of trainers: Filio Peppa.
►Venue 2: Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (ELKETHE), Anavyssos, Attica, Greece
●The field trip was attended by Perseus Network educators; and Comenius Regio ARCA.DIA.logue educators.
►Field Trip Collaborator: Field trip to ELKETHE in collaboration with Dr. Georgia Fermeli, DI.D.E. A’ Athens Environmental Supervisor, who acted as the field trip’s coordinator.

▲08-03-2014 DAY WORKSHOP

►(a) Maritime Tour: Argosaronikos Gulf
●The tour was attended by teachers and students participating in the PERSEUS Network.
►Chairman/Coordinator: PERSEUS Network
►Participants: The Italian delegation which was invited by Dr. Georgia Fermeli, DI.D.E. A’ Athens Environmental Education Supervisor
●The Argosaronic Gulf maritime tour and the related educational activities of the PERSEUS Network took place on AEGEO, ELKETHE’s Marine Research Vessel.

►(b)Venue: Lavrion Environmental Education Centre (Lavrion EEC)
●The seminar was attended by Greek educators and the members of the Italian delegation.
►Topic: “Web 2.0 Software Tools”
►Chairman: Mr. Andreas Athanasopoulos
►Coordinator: Ms. Dimitra Bia
►Speakers: ●Mr. Andreas Athanasopoulos
● Ms. Dimitra Bia
● Dr. Dimitra Macri
●Ms. Panaghiota Stellaki.

▲09-03-2014 DAY WORKSHOP

►Venue: Lavrion Environmental Education Centre (Lavrion EEC)
►Topic: “Sustainable Management of the Industrial and Cultural Heritage”
►Chairman: Mr. Andreas Athanasopoulos
►Coordinator: Ms. Dimitra Bia
►Speakers:●Ms Dimitra Bia
●Mr. Andreas Athanasopoulos
●Dr. Dimitra Macri
●The seminar was attended by Comenius Regio ARCA.DIA.logue educators.


SKYPE CONFERENCE: 2nd Collegium Hight School, Nea Filadelphia/,
11th Collegium Hight School, Ilion/,
Istituto Comprensivo di Corigliano – Melpignano d’Otranto


▲28-04-2014 DAY SEMINAR

►Venue: Old University of Athens, Plaka, Greece
●The seminar was attended by DI.D.E. A’ Athens teachers, school directors, and school councillors.

►Topic 1: “Language, customs, and organization of the social life in the region of Grecia Salentina”

►Chairman/Coordinator: Dr. Dimitra Macri
►Speakers: ●Dr. LuigiMartano
●Dr. Isabel Bernardini
●Ms Fotini Kaymaki
►Salutations: ●Mr Ioannis Ghionis
●Mr. Maurizio Luchena.

►Topic 2: “The ODUSSEUS Protocol”

►Chairman: Mr. Nikolaos Papadimitriou
►Coordinator: Dr. Thomais Giannisopoulou
►Speakers: School Directors who co-signed the protocol.

►Topic 3: Twinning of the Istituto Comprensivo di Corigliano d’Otranto con Melpignano and the 11th Gymnasium High School of Ilion

►Chairman/Coordinator: Dr. Dimitra Macri
►Speakers: ●Ms. Vassiliki Manola
●Ms. Anna Rita Russetti.

►Topic 4: “Anthropological research into wedding ceremonies and customs as observed in Greece and in Grecia Salentina”

►Chairman: Ms. Maria Vayna
►Coordinator: Dr. Dimitra Macri
►Speakers:●Ms. Sandra Abbate
●Ms. Maria Avramidou
●Ms. Panaghiota Stellaki
●Ms. Maria Latta
●Ms Eirini Malliarou
●Dr. Dimitra Macri
●Mr. Michele Paolo.


The seminar was completed with an informal visit to the Hellenic Ministry of Culture, Education and Religious Affairs. During that informal visit and within the framework of the protocol of cooperation, a constructive meeting took place in the office of the Ministry Secretary regare further tightening of relations between the two regions.

▲29-04-2014 DAY SEMINAR

►Venue 1: Worldwide Cultural Institution of the Hellenes of the Diaspora, Nea Filadelfia, Attica, Greece
●The event was attended by educators, student representatives, and ARCA.DIA.logue participants.
►Topic: “The theater as an educational tool in conveying knowledge and tradition”
►Chairman/Coordinator: Dr. Dimitra Macri
►Salutations: ●Mr. Tavropoulos, ●Mr. Kavakopoulos
►Speakers: ●Mr. Argyris Ghoumas,●Dr. Ioannis Makris.
►Museum Visit: “Filio Xaydemenou” Museum of the Hellenes of Asia Minor Descent
►Chairman/Coordinator: Dr. Dimitra Macri
►Speaker: Museum docent.

►Venue 2: “Antonis Tritsis” Environmental Awareness Park, Ilion, Attica, Greece
●The event was attended by Greek educators and Comenius Regio.ARCA.DIA.logue participants
►Topic: “Theater and Traditions: from Salento to Greece”
►Chairman/Coordinator: Dr. Dimitra Macri
►Speakers: ●Ms. Fotini Kaymaki, ●Mr. Andreas Sotiropoulos.

▲14-06-2014 DAY SEMINAR

►Venue: “F. Ribezzo” Provincial Archaeological Museum, Brindisi, Italy
●The seminar was attended by the Comenius Regio ARCA.DIA.logue participants.
►Topic: Α teaching approach of the museum “F. Ribezzo”
►Speakers: Dott.ssa Adele Totaro, Dott.sa Emilia Mannozzi, Dott.ssa Isabelle Bernardini

Academic Year 2014-2015

▲07-10-2014 DAY SEMINAR
►Venue 1: National Archaeological Museum, Athens, Greece
●The event was attended by educators and the Comenius Regio ARCA.DIA.logue participants.
►Action 1 – Visit: A visit revolving on the subject of “The evolution of the human form in Art”
►Coordinator: Dr. Dimitra Macri
►Speaker: Ms. Ariadne Klonizaki.
►Action 2 – Museum Tour: Visit to the museum’s exhibition “Classicità ed Europa: the common fate of Greece and Italy” ►Coordinator: Dr. Dimitra Macri
►Action 3 – Roundtable Discussion: “Educational methods and techniques regarding the educational presentation of museum displays during an educational process”
►Chairman/Coordinator: Dr. Dimitra Macri
►Speaker: Ms. Despina Kalesopoulou.

Venue 2: (Afternoon): 2nd Training Centre of Athens – Philothei
►Action 1: Visit of the crypt & the church of Sainte Philothei
►Action 2: Presentation of the Training Centres and their role.
►Chairman/Coordinator: Dr. Dimitra Macri
►Speaker: Dr. Dimitra Macri, Th. Katsoulas
►Action 3: Working Meeting

►Chairman/Coordinator: Dr. Dimitra Macri
►Speaker: Dr. Rosella Diana, Dr. Dimitra Macri, A. Amato, P. Stellaki

▲08-10-2014 DAY SEMINAR

►Venue 1: The Public Library of Dimitsana, Gortynia, Greece
●The event was attended by the Comenius Regio ARCA.DIA.logue participants
►Action: Educational tour of the library ►Coordinator: Dr. Dimitra Macri
►Speaker: Ms. Despina Karafoti.
►Venue 2: Open-Air Water-Power Museum, Dimitsana, Gortynia, Greece
●The event was attended by local authorities and the Comenius Regio ARCA.DIA.logue participants
►Action 1: Educational tour of the museum
►Coordinator: Dr. Dimitra Macri
►Speaker: Ms. Ira-Christina Papadopoulou
►Action 2 – Presentation: “Economic and social structure of traditional settlements: from the past to the present” ►Chairman/Coordinator: Dr. Dimitra Macri
►Speakers: ●Mr. Ioannis Ghionis,
●Ms. Rosella Diana
●Ms. Ira-Christina Papadopoulou
●Ms. Panaghiota Stellaki
►Action 3 – Presentation: Official presentation of Dr. Ioannis Makris’ CD and talk on “Electronic Music & Sounds from Greece-Italy”
►Chairman/Coordinator: Dr. Dimitra Macri
►Speaker: ●Dr. Ioannis Makris.

▲15-12-2014 DAY WORKSHOP

►Venue: Corigliano Cultural Center, Corigliano, Italy
●The seminar was attended by the Comenius Regio ARCA.DIA.logue participants
►Action: “Musical Encounters”, a musical cooperation between musician Dr. Ioannis Makris and the Circolo Culturale “Argalίo”.

▲16-12-2014 DAY SEMINAR

►Venue 1: Istituto Comprensivo di Corigliano d’Otranto con Melpignano, Italy
●The seminar was attended by local authorities and the Comenius Regio ARCA.DIA.logue participants.
►Speech Topic: “Getting to know each other: musical traditions of Greece and Italy”
►Chairman/Coordinator: Dr. Porziana di Cosola
►Speaker: ●Dr. Ioannis Makris.

►Venue 2: Kalimera, Puglia, Italy
●The seminar was attended by the Comenius Regio ARCA.DIA.logue participants.
►Action – Speech: “Learning all about tradition: A tour of the town, its museum, park and Church of San Vito (Chiesa di San Vito)”
►Coordinator: Mr. Luigi Raho
►Speaker: ● Mr. Luigi Raho ● Mr. Sylvano Palama.

►Venue 3: Tabacchificcio, Melpigniano, Puglia, Italy
●The seminar was attended by educators and school directors of the region of Puglia and by the Comenius Regio ARCA.DIA.logue participants
►Topic: “ARCA.DIA.logue: l’Europa di tutti e di ciascuno”
►Chairman: Dr. Franco Inglese
►Coordinator: Dr. Porziana di Cosola
►Speakers: ●Mr. Ivan Stomeo
●Dr. Anna Trono
●Dr. Eugenio Imbriani
●Isabella Oztasciyan Bernardini d’ Arnesano
●Dr. Dimitra Macri.

▲17-12-2014 DAY SEMINAR

►Venue 1: Istituto Comprensivo di Kalimera
●The event was attended by educators, students, parents, local authorities, municipal representatives, and the Comenius Regio ARCA.DIA.logue participants
►Topic: “Sounds of the Mediterranean”
►Chairman/Coordinator: Dr. Piera Ligori
►Speaker: Dr. Ioannis Makris.

▲18-12-2014 DAY SEMINAR

►Venue: Istituto Alberghiero di Otranto, Italy
●The seminar was part of the pre-conference actions surrounding the World Expo Mediterranean Diet 2016.
►Topic: “The Mediterranean Diet as an intangible cultural heritage”
►Chairman/Coordinator: Dr. Franco Inglese
►Speakers: ●Dr. Luana Gallo
●Dr. Fabio Gallo
●Dr. Eleonora Cafiero
●Dr. Diana Papaleo
●Dr. Paolo Aprile
●Dr. Gabriele Petracca
►Salutation: Mr. Luciano Cariddi.

▲11-02-2015 DAY SEMINAR

►Venue 1: The City of Athens Cultural Center, Athens, Greece
●The event was attended by DI.D.E. A’ Athens teachers and school directors as well as by local authorities
►Topic: “Cultural heritage, socio-economic changes, and the role of both in school life, Part 1”
►Chairman: Dr. Leonidas Mantzos
►Coordinator: Dr. Dimitra Macri
►Speaker: ●Dr. Franco Inglese
●Dr. Theano Terkenli
●Dr. Leonidas Katsiras
●Dr. Maria Lountzi, Dr. Georghia Trabidou
●Ms. Panaghiotis Dafiotis, Ms. Ekaterini Kolovou
●Ms Elpiniki Katsari, Dr. Grigorios Polymeropoulos
●Ms Maria Avramidou, Mr. Kyriakos Latta, Ms. Vassiliki Manola
●Ms Xanthi Vafiadaki, Aikaterini Sarkou, Irini Malliarou
►Salutations: ●Μr. Christos Tentomas
●Ms Fotini Kaymaki.

►Venue 2: 2nd Gymnasium High School, Nea Filadelfia, Attica, Greece
●The seminar was attended by DI.D.E. A’ Athens teachers and school directors, parents, students, and local authorities
►Action 1: Exhibition-Open Discussion “Working with an Artist: Mr Andreas”
►Chairman/Coordinator: Ms. Maria Avramidou
►Speaker: Mr. Andreas Sotiropoulos
►Action 2: “Economic transformations and professional paths: professions in the Greek urban scene between then and now”, a presentation
►Chairman/Coordinator: Dr. Dimitra Macri
►Speaker: Mr. Georghios Kouzas
►Salutations: ●Dr. Anna Cammalleri
●Dr. Leonidas Mantzos
●Mr. Sokratis Vorghias.

▲17-03-2015 DAY SEMINAR

►Venue: Istituto Comprensivo di Corigliano d’Otranto con Melpignano, Italy
●The seminar was attended by the ODYSSEAS Protocol participants.
►Topic: “Report and evaluation of the ODYSSEAS Protocol actions and plans”
►Chairman/Coordinator: Dr. Adele Campi
►Speakers: the school directors, the representatives of the participating schools, and Dr. Dimitra Macri, Coordinator, Comenius Regio ARCA.DIA.logue.

▲23-06-2015 & 24-06-2015 CONGRESS

►Venue: Old University of Athens, Plaka, Greece (23-06-2015) & 1st 2nd and 3rd Educational Center of Athens (24-06-2015).
●The seminar was attended by teachers, school directors, educators and students as well as by local authorities
●Congress in cooperation with the Offices of School Advisers of Secondary Education: Directorate of Secondary Education of A’, & C‘ Athens & Directorate of Secondary Education of Piraeus (in collaboration with the Directorate of Crete, North & South islands of Aegeo and Sterea Hellas)
● Congress under the auspices of the Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Attica
● Congress in hangout
►Topic: “Presentation of European Programs. Scientific Field 15 (E-twinning, Comenius partnership, Comenius Regio: ARCA.DIA.LOGUE, Protocol “ODYSSEAS», Erasmus +): Dissemination of results”.
►Chairman/Coordinator: scientific committee /23-06-2015: six sessions / 24-06-2015: six workshops
►Speakers: see link1

▲26-06-2015 DAY SEMINAR

►Venue: De’ Monti Castle, Corigliano d’Otranto, (Lecce) Italy
The seminar was attended by local community representatives, educators and school directors and teachers of the Protocol “ODYSSEAS” and the network “PROZIMI”, parents and students.
►Topic: Final Seminar “ARCA.DIA.LOGUE” aimed at the dissemination of project results and activities
►Chairman/Coordinator: Porziana di Cosola
►Speakers: Dr. Anna Cammalleri, Dr. Dimitra Macri, Dr. Luigi Martano, Dr. Adele Campi

II. Preparatory National Training Seminars & Workshops

▲28-12-2013 DAY SEMINAR

►Venue: Christian & Byzantine Museum, Athens, Greece
●The seminar was attended by teachers of the 11th Gymnasium High School of Ilion
►Action – Field Trip: “The Tériade Exhibition”
►Coordinator: Dr. Dimitra Macri.

▲10-09-2014 DAY SEMINAR

►Venue: 2nd Gymnasium High School of Nea Filadelfia, Attica, Greece
●The seminar was attended by teachers of the 2nd Gymnasium High School of Nea Filadelfia
►Topic: “A Fairytale: an alternative approach to teaching”
►Chairman/Coordinator: Dr. Dimitra Macri
►Speakers:●Ms. PanaghiotaBafaki
● Ms. Sofia Kouroutsidou
●Dr. Dimitra Macri.

▲10-12-2014 DAY SEMINAR

►Venue: 11th Gymnasium High School of Ilion, Attica, Greece
●The seminar was attended by teachers of the 11th Gymnasium High School of Ilion
►Topic: “A Fairytale: an alternative approach to teaching ”
►Chairman/Coordinator: Dr. Dimitra Macri
►Speakers:● Ms. Panagiota Bafaki
● Ms. Sofia Kouroutsidou
●Dr. Dimitra Macri.