
“ODYSSEAS” Protocol

The “ODYSSEUS” Protocol was signed within the framework of the actions implemented by the European Program Comenius Regio ARCA.DIA.logue. It is an initiative launched by the Chairman of the “PROZYMI” Joint Venture between the schools of the Greek-speaking communities of Salento in Puglia, southern Italy and Dr. Adele Campi, Director, Istituto Comprensivo di Martano, following personal communication with Dr. Dimitra Makri, Coordinator, ARCA.DIA.LOGUE Program. The action became fact upon its adoption and subsequent implementation by Dr. Franco Inglese, Regional Director, Puglia Regional Education Office. At that stage, the partners were called upon to collaborate towards the compilation of a partnership protocol. Thus, Drs. Adele Campi and Dimitra Makri, having the accord of the Puglia Regional Education Office (USR Puglia); and of the 1st Directorate for Secondary Education of Athens (DI.D.E. A’ Athens), jointly drafted and compiled the protocol, in full compliance with the Italian and Greek legislation.

“ODYSSEUS” Protocol: Landmark Dates
▲January 07, 2014 ▲ Istituto Compresivo di Copertino, Puglia, Italy:
►The protocol is signed in the presence of the entire staff of USR Puglia; Mr. Roberto Fusco, Greek Consul, Brindisi; and the Greek delegation of ARCA.DIA.logue, the protocol is validated by ►Protocol signatories, Italy: ●Dr. Franco Inglese, Regional Director, USR Puglia ●Maria Adele Campi, Director, Istituto Comprensivo di Martano ●Alieta Scioliti, Istituto di Istruzione Secondaria Superiore “Salvatore Trinchese’ di Martano ●Piera Ligori, Director, Istituto Comprensivo di Calimera con Martignano ●Luigi Vergine, Director, Istituto Comprensivo di Castrignano de’ Greci con Carpignano Salentino ●Porziana di Cosola, Director, Istituto Comprensivo di Corigliano d’Otranto con Melpignano ●Antonio Caputi, Director, Istituto Comprensivo di Soleto con Zollino e Sternatia ●Antonio Maniglio, Director, Istituto Comprensivo di Cutrofiano and ►Protocol signatories, Greece: Dr. Dimitra Makri, ODYSSEUS Protocol Coordinator & School Councilor.

▲March 05, 2014 ▲Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, Athens, Greece
“Good morning! A day in your city, Greece and you”
Deputy Minister of Education Mr. Gkioulekas spoke live on Skype to students attending the Comprehensive Schools of Calimera and Martignano, Puglia, Italy. The action was implemented during the official presentation of the Child and Youth Creativity Contest organized by the Ministry of Culture, Education, and Religious Affairs, a contest aiming at establishing a liaison with school students of the Diaspora. The conversation between Mr. Gkioulekas and the school students was made possible thanks to the Odysseus Protocol, a network of actions implemented by the 1st Athens Directorate for Secondary Education (DI.D.E. A’ Athens).

▲March 06, 2014 ▲Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, Athens, Greece
►The first ARCA.DIA.logue Italian delegation of teachers and students traveling within the framework of the “ODYSSEUS” protocol are welcomed by the office of the competent Deputy Minister of Education. The journey was made possible through the efforts exerted by Mr. Roberto Fusco, Greek Consul, Brindisi, and aimed at the participation of both teachers and students in the PERSEUS European Program being implemented by the Office of Environmental Education, DI.D.E. A’ Athens.

▲28 April 2014 ▲Ceremonial Hall, Old University of Athens, Plaka District, Athens, Greece
►The “ODYSSEUS” Protocol is validated ●by the Directors of Greek Schools under DI.D.E. A’ Athens jurisdiction and participating in the Protocol ●in the presence of Mr. Papadimitriou, Deputy Director, DI.D.E. A’ Athens; and of ●the Italian Delegation, Comenius Regio ARCA.DIA.logue Program ▲Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, Athens, Greece ►Within the same time frame, Mr. K. Gkioulekas, the competent Deputy Minister of Education, receives in full ceremony the Italian Delegation with a view to seeking avenues towards a more systematic collaboration between Greece and Italy.

▲“ODYSSEUS” Protocol School Participation, Academic Year 2014-2015:


ODYSSEUS Protocol Blog and Logo
►The blog created for the needs of the “ODYSSEUS” Protocol is a key product of the partnership. It is the work of ●Ms. El. Katsari, Deputy Director, 68th Athens Gymnasium, Athens which is in synergy with the Italian partner school ●Istituto Comprensivo di Calimera con Martignano. ▲The logo for the blog emerged after a contest among students attending the 68th Athens Gymnasium, coordinated and supervised by ●Ms. A. Aliberti, Art Teacher, 68th Athens Gymnasium.


Progetto Europeo Comenius Regio Protocollo di cooperazione “ODYSSEAS”

See more about this proposal at the “”ODYSSEAS” Protocol” category.